Celebrate your pairing! JC/Justin Day is March 18, 2004! You can join the festivities by posting new stories, manips, fan art, wallpapers, icons, posting favorite pictures or fiction recommendation lists! EVERYONE SHOULD CONTRIBUTE IN SOME FORM! But the first step is spreading the word and encouraging everyone to participate!
Pick the banner of your preference and then post it on your livejournals, websites, anywhere and everywhere! If you have a site, please upload the banner to your own server. And allowing your friends to use your hosted banner would be greatly appreciated! If you must direct link, that’s fine, but please be considerate of my bandwidth and e-mail me to let me know you are doing so.
This year’s beautiful banners were supplied by the talented Lola. Thank you so much!
Slap 'em up right away! The sooner the better!
Writers, Photoshop Wizards, EVERYONE, start preparing your JC/Justin Day contributions! The more people that participate, the more fun it is for everyone!
Please direct any comments and/or concerns here.